overview ownership/communication graphs for rich execution logs


My last blog post covered the fancy pants logging being used for the deuxdrop project.  To summarize:

  • we have loggers
  • they are organized by ownership hierarchy
  • they provide sufficient metadata that we can reconstruct the loggers that were talking to each other
This can result in a lot of loggers.  If you look at the log output from the last blog post (caution: BIG JSON file in standalone ArbPL instance) you might notice a list of loggers that looks something like the below, except not quite as sideways or shrunk:

last generation's logger hierarchy rotated sideways

Obviously, that much raw data is not super helpful.  So now we process the hierarchy, constructing graph nodes or aggregate graph nodes for things that are interesting in their own or in aggregate.  We use d3 of the vaunted protovis lineage to visualize the network and graphviz to lay it out.

d3 has a super-polished, fun-to-use interactive force-directed graph implementation, but graphviz’s circo layout produces better results.  Given that ArbPL already has a processing step for intake, it wasn’t too much extra work to include a step where we use the same JS code as on the client to generate a dot file, pass it to circo to lay it out, then extract the layout information and store it with the log data.  Many props to Gregoire Lejeune for his node-graphviz bindings that made it so easy to do.


Although the overview graph on its own is neat, it becomes useful by showing us the involved loggers/actors in a test step by highlighting them.  It does this by listening for wmsy‘s focus change events to know what the focused test step is.  (Since mouse interaction also causes toggling, it’s easiest to appreciate the process by using the up/down arrow keys to change focus without expanding the steps.  And if you want to toggle the expanded state without involving the mouse, you can hit the enter key.)


For reference, the steps look like the above, and the highlighted one has the ever-so-fashionable glowing fancy focus ring.

If you would like to see this for yourself, you can check out the archived (and therefore less likely to break) standalone version of the example log file: https://clicky.visophyte.org/examples/arbpl-loggest/20110720/.  The previously super-huge JSON file is now about an order-of-magnitude smaller because I started eliding large strings that are of no human interest.