first steps to interactive fun using CouchDB


First, let me say that Pylons with its Paste magic is delightful; lots of nice round edges helped me get something simple up and running in no time, and using genshi to boot.

The new tool, visotank, is ingesting the python-dev mailman archives (as previously visualized) and putting them into CouchDB. The near-term goal is to allow for interactive exploration/visualization of the archives. The current result, as pictured, is simply sparkline barcharts of people’s posting history. Left-to-right, present-to-past, weekly, one (vertical) pixel per message, truncating at the image height (12 pixels).

Although the input processing thus far is specific to mailing list archives, the couchdb schema in use is for generic e-mail traffic. The messages are even coerced into rfc2822 format for ‘raw’ storage.

The ability to use ‘map’ multiple times in couchdb views to spread information is delightful. What I really would like is more reduce functionality or, more specifically, just accumulate. The sparkbars get their data from statistics with keys [contact id, timestamp of time period] and value 1, one per message. I would love for couchdb to provide a way to aggregate all those values with identical keys into a single row with the sum as the value. I’ll look into this and the view implementation before writing any more on the subject, but if someone out there already knows a way to do this, please let me know.
