understanding where layout goes wrong with gecko reflow debug logs (Part 2)

In part 1, I was fighting some kind of flex-box layout problem in gecko that I put on the metaphorical back burner.  The metaphorical pot is back, but rebuilt because the old pot did not support animation using CSS transitions.  (I was using overflow: none in combination with scrollLeft/scrollTop to scroll the directly contained children; now I’m using overflow: none with a position:absolute child that holds the children and animates around using CSS left/top.)  Thanks to the rebuild, the truly troublesome behavior is gone.  But helpfully for providing closure to the previous blog post, gecko still was enlarging something and so causing the page to want to scroll.

With a few enhancements to part 1’s logic, we add a “growth” command so we can do “cfx run growth serial-13-0” and get the following results:

*** block 19 display: block tag:div id: classes:default-bugzilla-ui-bug-page-title
*** inline 20 display: inline tag:span id: classes:default-bugzilla-ui-bug-page-summary
inline 20 variant 1  (parent 19) first line 368
  why: Reflow
  display: inline
  inputs: reflowAvailable: 960,UC
          reflowComputed: UC,UC
          reflowExtra: dirty v-resize
  output: reflowDims: 885,21
  parent concluded: prefWidth: 885
                    minWidth: 100
                    reflowDims: 960,21
*** block 23 display: block tag:div id: classes: [elided]
*** SVGOuterSVG(svg)(0) 27 display: inline tag:svg id: classes:
SVGOuterSVG(svg)(0) 27 variant 1  (parent 23) first line 850
  why: GetPrefWidth,GetMinWidth,Reflow
  display: inline
  inputs: reflowAvailable: 187,UC
          reflowComputed: 187,1725
          reflowExtra: dirty v-resize
  output: prefWidth: 187
          minWidth: 0
          reflowDims: 187,1725
  parent concluded: prefWidth: 187
                    minWidth: 0
                    reflowDims: 187,1730

The growth detection logic is simple and not too clever, but works.  For nodes that are the sole child of their parent, we check if there is a difference between how large the child wants to be and how large the parent decides to be that cannot be accounted for by the margin of the child and the border/padding of the parent.

The first reported node is being forced wider than it wanted to be because of an explicit width assigned to a flex-box.  The second reported node is the SVG node that we are rendering our timeline into (see the screenshot).  We can see that its parent ends up being 5 pixels taller than the SVG node.  This is concerning and very likely our problem.

The answer is the “display: inline” bit.  If you are foolish enough to fire up gdb, it turns out that nsBlockFrame::ReflowLine checks whether its child line is a block or not.  If it’s not, we end up in nsLineLayout::VerticalAlignLine which calls VerticalAlignFrames which decides to set mMinY=-1725px and mMaxY=5px.  I am only half-foolish so I just added a “display: block”, saw that it made the problem go away,  and stopped there.

To summarize, “svg” elements are not “display: block” by default and gecko appears to decide to pad the sole child out with some kind of line height logic.  This does not happen in webkit/chromium in this specific situation; this is notable in this context because inconsistencies between layout engines are likely to be particularly frustrating.  The gecko reflow debug logs and my tooling do not currently make the causality blindingly obvious, although I have made the output explicitly call out the “display” type more clearly so the inference is easier to make.  It turns out that if I had built gecko with -DNOISY_VERTICAL_ALIGN I would have gotten additional output that would likely have provided the required information.

wmsy’s debug UI’s decision tree visualizer

wmsy, the Widget Manifesting SYstem, figures out what widget to display by having widgets specify the constraints for situations in which they are applicable.  (Yes, this is an outgrowth of an earlier life involving multiple dispatch.)  Code that wants to bind an object into a widget provides the static, unchanging context/constraints at definition time and then presents the actual object to be bound at (surprise!) widget bind time.

This is realized by building a decision tree of sorts out of our pool of constraints.  Logical inconsistencies are “avoided” by optionally specifying an explicit prioritization of attributes to split on, taking us much closer to (rather constrained) multiple dispatch.  For efficiency, all those static constraints are used to perform partial traversal of the decision tree ahead of time so that the determination of which widget factory to use at bind time ideally only needs to evaluate the things that can actually vary.

When I conceived of this strategy, I asserted to myself that the complexity of understanding what goes wrong could be mitigated by providing a visualization / exploration tool for the built decision tree along with other Debug UI features.  In software development this usually jinxes things, but I’m happy to say not in this specific case.

In any event, wmsy’s debug UI now has its first feature.  A visualization of the current widget factory decision tree.  Grey nodes are branch nodes, yellow nodes are check nodes (no branching, just verifying that all constraints that were not already checked by branch nodes are correct), and green nodes are result nodes.  Nodes stroked in purple have a partial traversal pointing at them and the stroke width is a function of the number of such partials.  The highly dashed labels for the (green) result nodes are the fully namespaced widget names.  Future work will be to cause clicking on them to bring up details on the widget and/or jump to the widget source in-document using skywriter or in an external text editor (via extension).

The Debug UI can be accessed in any document using wmsy by bringing up your debugger console and typing “document.wmsyDebugUI()”.  This triggers a dynamic load of the UI code (hooray RequireJS!) which then does its thing.  Major props to the protovis visualization toolkit and its built-in partition layout that made creating the graph quite easy.

Thunderbuddy: Weave-synchronized Thunderbird contacts on Android

I got my first modern Android phone at the end of last week and I figured it would be a good idea to get over the activation energy hump so it’s easy to do incremental mozilla hacking on it.  Thanks to a lot of work by other people, this turned out to be pretty easy.  It would have been even easier if the Android emulator ran at anything remotely close to real time or if my Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant (Bell Canada model) running 2.1 did not have a habit of locking up all the time.  (And this is before my code touched it, mind you.  I’m half-hoping my device is a lemon.  If anyone knows how to tell a lemon from lockups-as-usual, please let me know.)

The screenshot shows my Android device running the app.  It’s a super trivial wmsy UI showing contacts from my address book pulled down from a weave server that were put there by Thunderbird.

Anywho, props to:

  • Phonegap, the HTML/JS way to write mobile apps!  Major awesome.
  • weaveclient-chromium, a slightly bitrotted pure JS weave client by Philipp von Weitershausen / philikon (now of the mozilla weave/sync team) which built on the weaveweb project by Anant Narayanan and pure JS crypto work by the people mentioned in the README.
  • weaver and weave-ext by Shane Caraveo, which make weave happily run in Thunderbird and have it propagate the contents of the address book.
  • The Mozilla Weave/Firefox Sync team who made it easy and practical for software like Thunderbird to partake in the encrypted synchronization revolution.
  • RequireJS, CommonJS loader to the stars.

The relevant repos for those interested, are:

  • weaveclient-js: This is a fork of weaveclient-chromium that ditches the chromium bits, makes things CommonJS/Asynchronous Module Definition happy, and slightly factors out the encryption so that thunderbuddy can provide ‘native’ accelerated encryption support on android.
  • thunderbuddy: The phonegap android app repo proper.  The only really notable thing at this point is the custom Java class that implements and exposes faster ‘native’ encryption methods.  (Thunderbuddy can also just be used as a webpage on any reasonably capable browser with good JS performance.)

It’s worth noting that the goal is not actually to perform contact synchronization with Android.  There are already a ton of ways to synchronize your Thunderbird contacts with gmail and from there your phone.  The goal is to let other interesting data and meta-data propagate.  I just picked contacts for this example because Shane already had the data propagating.

fighting oranges with systemtap probes, latency fighting; step 2

Recap from step 1: Sometimes unit test failures on the mozilla tinderboxen are (allegedly, per me) due to insufficiently constrained asynchronous processes.  Sometimes the tests time out because of the asynchronous ordering thing, sometimes it’s just because they’re slow.  Systemtap is awesome.  Using systemtap we can get exciting debug output in JSON form which we can use to fight the aforementioned things.

Advances in bullet point technology have given us the following new features:

  • Integration of latencytap by William Cohen.  Latencytap is a sytemtap script that figures out why your thread/process started blocking.  It uses kernel probes to notice when the task gets activated/deactivated which tells us how long it was asleep.  It performs a kernel backtrace and uses a reasonably extensive built-in knowledge base to figure out the best explanation for why it decided to block.  This gets us not only fsync() but memory allocation internals and other neat stuff too.
    • We ignore everything less than a microsecond because that’s what latencytap already did by virtue of dealing in microseconds and it seems like a good idea.  (We use nanoseconds, though, so we will filter out slightly more because it’s not just quantization-derived.)
    • We get JS backtraces where available for anything longer than 0.1 ms.
  • The visualization is now based off of wall time by default.
  • Visualization of the latency and GC activities on the visualization in the UI.
  • Automated summarization of latency including aggregation of JS call stacks.
  • The new UI bits drove and benefit from various wmsy improvements and cleanup.  Many thanks to my co-worker James Burke for helping me with a number of design decisions there.
  • The systemtap probe compilation non-determinism bug mentioned last time is not gone yet, but thanks to the friendly and responsive systemtap developers, it will be gone soon!

Using these new and improved bullet points we were able to look at one of the tests that seemed to be intermittently timing out (the bug) for legitimate reasons of slowness.  And recently, not just that one test, but many of its friends using the same test infrastructure (asyncTestUtils).

So if you look at the top visualization, you will see lots of reds and pinks; it’s like a trip to Arizona but without all of the tour buses.  Those are all our fsyncs.  How many fsyncs?  This many fsyncs:

Why so many fsyncs?

Oh dear, someone must have snuck into messageInjection.js when I was not looking!  (Note: comment made for comedic purposes; all the blame is mine, although I have several high quality excuses up my sleeve if required.)

What would happen if we change the underlying C++ class to support batching semantics and the injection logic to use it?


NB: No, I don’t know exactly what the lock contention is.  The label might be misleading since it is based on sys_futex/do_futex being on the stack rather than the syscall.  Since they only show up on one thread but the latencytap kernel probes need to self-filter because they fire for everything and are using globals to filter, I would not be surprised if it turned out that the systemtap probes used futexes and that’s what’s going on.  It’s not trivial to find out because the latencytap probes can’t really get a good native userspace backtrace (the bug) and when I dabbled in that area I managed to hard lock my system and I really dislike rebooting.  So a mystery they will stay.  Unless someone tells me or I read more of the systemtap source or implement hover-brushing in the visualization or otherwise figure things out.

There is probably more to come, including me running the probes against a bunch of mozilla-central/comm-central tests and putting the results up in interactive web-app form (with the distilled JSON available).  It sounds like I might get access to a MoCo VM to facilitate that, which would be nice.

fighting non-deterministic xpcshell unit tests through causality tracking with systemtap; step 1

It’s a story as old as time itself.  You write a unit test.  It works for you.  But the evil spirits in the tinderboxes cause the test to fail.  The trick is knowing that evil spirits are a lot like genies.  When you ask for a wish, genies will try and screw you over by choosing ridiculous values wherever you forgot to constrain things.  For example, I got my dream job, but now I live in Canada.  The tinderbox evil spirits do the same thing, but usually by causing pathological thread scheduling.

This happened to me the other day and a number of our other tests are running slower than they should, so I decided it was time for another round of incremental amortized tool-building.  Building on my previous systemtap applied to mozilla adventures by porting things to the new JS representations in mozilla-2.0 and adding some new trace events I can now generate traces that:

  • Know when the event loop is processing an event.  Because we reconstruct a nested tree from our trace information and we have a number of other probes, we can also attribute the event to higher-level concepts like timer callbacks.
  • Know when a new runnable is scheduled for execution on a thread or a new timer firing is scheduled, etc.  To help understand why this happened we emit a JS backtrace at that point.  (We could also get a native backtrace cheaply, or even a unified backtrace with some legwork.)
  • Know when high-level events occur during the execution of the unit test.  We hook the dump() implementations in the relevant contexts (xpcshell, JS components/modules, sandboxes) and then we can listen in on all the juicy secrets the test framework shouts into the wind.  What is notable about this choice of probe point is that it:
    • is low frequency, at least if you are reasonably sane about your output.
    • provides a useful correlation between what it is going on under the hood with something that makes sense to the developer.
    • does not cause the JS engine to need to avoid tracing or start logging everything that ever happens.

Because we know when the runnables are created (including what runnable they live inside of) and when they run, we are able to build what I call a causality graph because it sounds cool.  Right now this takes the form of a hierarchical graph.  Branches form when a runnable (or the top-level) schedules more than one runnable during the execution of a single runnable.  The dream is to semi-automatically (heuristics / human annotations may be required) transform the hierarchical graph into one that merges these branches back into a single branch when appropriate.  Collapsing linear runs into a single graph node is also desired, but easy.  Such fanciness may not actually be required to fix test non-determinism, of course.

The protovis-based visualization above has the following exciting bullet points describing it:

  • Time flows vertically downwards.  Time in this case is defined by a globally sequential counter incremented for each trace event.  Time used to be the number of nanoseconds since the start of the run, but there seemed to somehow be clock skew between my various processor cores that live in a single chip.
  • Horizontally, threads are spaced out and within those threads the type of events are spaced out.
    • The weird nested alpha grey levels convey nesting of JS_ExecuteScript calls which indicates both xpcshell file loads and JS component/module top-level executions as a result of initial import.  If there is enough vertical space, labels are shown, otherwise they are collapsed.
  • Those sweet horizontal bands convey the various phases of operation and have helpful labels.
  • The nodes are either events caused by top-level runnable being executed by the event loop or important events that merit the creation of synthetic nodes in the causal graph.  For example, we promote the execution of a JS file to its own link so we can more clearly see when a file caused something to happen.  Likewise, we generate new links when analysis of dump() output tells us a test started or stopped.
  • The blue edges are expressing the primary causal chain as determined by the dump() analysis logic.  If you are telling us a test started/ended, it only follows that you are on the primary causal chain.
  • If you were viewing it in a web browser, you could click on the nodes and it would console.log them and then you could see what is actually happening in there.  If you hovered over nodes they would also highlight their ancestors and descendents in various loud shades of red.

  • The specific execution being visualized had a lot of asynchronous mozStorage stuff going on.  (The right busy thread is the asynchronous thread for the database.)  The second image has the main init chain hovered, resulting in all the async fallout from the initialization process being highlighted in red.  At first glance it’s rather concerning that the initialization process is still going on inside the first real test.  Thanks to the strict ordering of event queues, we can see that everything that happens on the primary causal chain after it hops over to the async thread and back is safe because of that ordering.  The question is whether bad things could happen prior to that joining.  The answer?  In another blog post, I fear.
    • Or “probably”, given that the test has a known potential intermittent failure.  (The test is in dangerous waters because it is re-triggering synchronous database code that normally is only invoked during the startup phase before references are available to the code and before any asynchronous dispatches occur.  All the other tests in the directory are able to play by the rules and so all of their logic should be well-ordered, although we might still expect the initialization logic to likewise complete in what is technically a test phase.  Since the goal is just to make tests deterministic (as long as we do not sacrifice realism), the simplest solution may just be to force the init phase to complete before allowing the tests to start.  The gloda support logic already has an unused hook capable of accomplishing this that I may have forgotten to hook up…

Repo is my usual systemtapping repo.  Things you might type if you wanted to use the tools follow:

  • make SOLO_FILE=test_name.js EXTRA_TEST_ARGS=”–debugger /path/to/tb-test-help/systemtap/chewchewwoowoo.py –debugger-args ‘/path/to/tb-test-help/systemtap/mozperfish/mozperfish.stp –‘” check-one
  • python /path/to/tb-test-help/chewchewwoowoo.py –re-run=/tmp/chewtap-##### mozperfish/mozperfish.stp /path/to/mozilla/dist/bin/xpcshell

The two major gotchas to be aware of are that you need to: a) make your xpcshell build with jemalloc since I left some jemalloc specific memory probes in there, and b) you may need to run the first command several times because systemtap has some seriously non-deterministic dwarf logic going on right now where it claims that it doesn’t believe that certain types are actually unions/structs/whatnot.

non-infuriating indentation with emacs and js2-mode with require.def asynchronous module definition CommonJS boilerplate

Classic CommonJS modules assume a synchronous execution environment (for the purposes of “require”) with a specialized loader mechanism that evaluates the module in its proper context and takes care of namespacing it.  If you want to use CommonJS modules in the browser you can either:

  • Leave the source code as it is and use an XHR-based loader that uses eval to perform the namespacing trick.  In order to deal with the synchronous require assumption you can use some combination of deferring the evaluation of the module until you think you have all the dependencies and synchronous XHR.  Commonly, regular expressions are used to figure out the dependencies, but one could also use some form of static analysis.  Examples of browser-based CommonJS loaders supporting this are teleport and yabble.
  • Wrap your source code in boilerplate that takes care of the namespacing.  This can be done via a build system or done permanently in the source.  Pretty much every browser-based CommonJS loader supports this, with RequireJS being the only one I’m going to name-check because there are too many of these suckers as is.

The synchronous idiom for module “foo” might look like this:

var bar = require("bar");
var baz = require("baz");
exports.doStuff = function() {
  return "awwww yeah.";

The asynchronous module definition for “foo” might look like this, noting that there are actually a couple of possible variations on this:

require.def("foo", ["exports", "bar", "baz"], function(exports, bar, baz) {
exports.doStuff = function() {
  return "awwww yeah.";

The thing that may jump out at you is that the asynchronous wrapping means that the body of our module actually lives inside a function definition within the argument list of a function call.  Let’s assume you enjoy the finer things in life and are using emacs and js2-mode for your javascript editing.  js2-mode will helpfully suggest indenting 14 characters because that puts us 2 characters in from the enclosing function call’s opening paren.

That indentation could drive a man crazy and was really my only reason for avoiding the asynchronous idiom.  Thankfully, emacs being what it is, I was able to make it do what I roughly what I want:

;; Check if the suggested indentation is due to require.def().  If it is, force
;;  the indentation down to zero.  We detect this case by checking whether the
;;  parse depth is 2 and the last top-level point was preceded by require.def.
(defun require-def-deindent (list index)
  (when (and (eq (nth 0 parse-status) 2)
               (let ((tl-point (syntax-ppss-toplevel-pos parse-status)))
                 (goto-char tl-point)
                 (backward-word 2)
                 (equal "require.def" (buffer-substring (point) tl-point))))
             ;; only intercede if they are suggesting what the sexprs suggest
             (let ((suggested-column (js-proper-indentation parse-status)))
               (eq (nth index list) suggested-column))
    (indent-line-to 0)
;; Uncomment the following to enable the hook if you want tab to always slam you
;;  to column 0 rather than doing the cycle thing.  (With the newline hook in
;;  place, I haven't seen the need yet.)
;(add-hook 'js2-indent-hook 'require-def-deindent)
;; Unfortunately, js2-enter-key turns off the bounce indent logic so we need to
;;  intentionally do something to get our helper invoked.  In this case, we use
;;  advice but we could also mess with the keybinding.
;; This assumes js2-enter-indents-newline is enabled / desired.
(defadvice js2-enter-key (around js2-enter-key-around)
  "Trigger require-def-deindent on enter for the newline."
  (let ((parse-status (save-excursion
                        (parse-partial-sexp (point-min) (point-at-bol))))
    (push (current-column) positions)
    (require-def-deindent positions 0)))
(ad-activate 'js2-enter-key)

If you paste the above into your .emacs and have sufficient emacs karma, hopefully the above will work for you too.

UPDATE (2011/1/1):

The AMD idiom has settled on using “define” instead of “require.def”, so here is the above code modified to this end:

;; --- CommonJS AMD define() compensation
;; Check if the suggested indentation is due to define().  If it is, force
;;  the indentation down to zero.  We detect this case by checking whether the
;;  parse depth is 2 and the last top-level point was preceded by define.
(defun require-def-deindent (list index)
  (when (and (eq (nth 0 parse-status) 2)
               (let ((tl-point (syntax-ppss-toplevel-pos parse-status)))
                 (goto-char tl-point)
                 (backward-word 1)
                 (equal "define" (buffer-substring (point) tl-point))))
             ;; only intercede if they are suggesting what the sexprs suggest
             (let ((suggested-column (js-proper-indentation parse-status)))
               (eq (nth index list) suggested-column))
    (indent-line-to 0)
;; Uncomment the following to enable the hook if you want tab to always slam you
;;  to column 0 rather than doing the cycle thing.  (With the newline hook in
;;  place, I haven't seen the need yet.)
;(add-hook 'js2-indent-hook 'require-def-deindent)
;; Unfortunately, js2-enter-key turns off the bounce indent logic so we need to
;;  intentionally do something to get our helper invoked.  In this case, we use
;;  advice but we could also mess with the keybinding.
;; This assumes js2-enter-indents-newline is enabled / desired.
(defadvice js2-enter-key (around js2-enter-key-around)
  "Trigger require-def-deindent on enter for the newline."
  (let ((parse-status (save-excursion
                        (parse-partial-sexp (point-min) (point-at-bol))))
    (push (current-column) positions)
    (require-def-deindent positions 0)))
(ad-activate 'js2-enter-key)
;; (end define compensation)

Documentation for complex things (you don’t basically already understand)

The Problem

One of my focuses at MoMo is to improve the plight of Thunderbird extension developers.  An important aspect of this is improving the platform they are exposed to.  Any platform usually entails a fair amount of complexity.  The trick is that you only pay for the things that are new-to-you, learning-wise.

The ‘web’ as a platform is not particularly simple; it’s got a lot of pieces, some of which are fantastically complex (ex: layout engines).  But those bits are frequently orthogonal, can be learned incrementally, have reams of available documentation, extensive tools that can aid in understanding, and, most importantly, are already reasonably well known to a comparatively large population.  The further you get from the web-become-platform, the more new things you need to learn and the more hand-holding you need if you’re not going to just read the source or trial-and-error your way through.  (Not that those are bad ways to roll; but not a lot of people make it all the way through those gauntlets.)

I am working to make Thunderbird more extensible in more than a replace-some-function/widget-and-hope-no-other-extensions-had-similar-ideas sort of way.  I am also working to make Thunderbird and its extensions more scalable and performant without requiring a lot of engineering work on the part of every extension.  This entails new mini-platforms and non-trivial new things to learn.

There is, of course, no point in building a spaceship if no one is going to fly it into space and fight space pirates.  Which is to say, the training program for astronauts with all its sword-fighting lessons is just as important as the spaceship, and just buying them each a copy of “sword-fighting for dummies who live in the future” won’t cut it.

Translating this into modern-day pre-space-pirate terminology, it would be dumb to make a super fancy extension API if no one uses it.  And given that the platform is far enough from pure-web and universally familiar subject domains, a lot of hand-holding is in order.  Since there is no pre-existing development community familiar with the framework, they can’t practically be human hands either.

The Requirements

I assert the following things are therefore important for the documentation to be able to do:

  • Start with an explained, working example.
  • Let the student modify the example with as little work on their part as possible so that they can improve their mental model of how things actually work.
  • Link to other relevant documentation that explains what is going on, especially reference/API docs, without the user having to open a browser window and manually go search/cross-reference things for themselves.
  • Let the student convert the modified example into something they can then use as the basis for an extension.

The In-Process Solution: Narscribblus

So, I honestly was quite willing to settle for an existing solution that was anywhere close to what I needed.  Specifically, the ability to automatically deep-link source code to the most appropriate documentation for the bits on hand.  It has become quite common to have JS APIs that take an object where you can have a non-trivial number of keys with very specific semantics, and my new developer friendly(-ish) APIs are no exception.

Unfortunately, most existing JavaScript documentation tools are based on the doxygen/JavaDoc model of markup that:

  • Was built for static languages where your types need to be defined.  You can then document each component of the type by hanging doc-blocks off them.  In contrast, in JS if you have a complex Object/dictionary argument that you want to hang stuff of of, your best bet may be to just create a dummy object/type for documentation purposes.  JSDoc and friends do support a somewhat enriched syntax  like “@param arg.attr”, but run into the fact that the syntax…
  • Is basically ad-hoc with limited extensibility.  I’m not talking about the ability to add additional doctags or declare specific regions of markup that should be passed through a plugin, which is pretty common.  In this case, I mean that it is very easy to hit a wall in the markup language that you can’t resolve without making an end-run around the existing markup language entirely.  As per the previous bullet point, if you want to nest rich type definitions, you can quickly run out of road.

The net result is that it’s hard to even describe the data types you are working with, let alone have tools that are able to infer links into their nested structure.

So what is my solution?

  • Steal as much as possible from Racket (formerly PLT Scheme)’s documentation tool, Scribble.  To get a quick understanding of the brilliance of Racket and Scribble, check out the quick introduction to racket.  For those of you who don’t click through, you are missing out on examples that automatically hyperlink to the documentation for invoked methods, plus pictures capturing the results of the output in the document.
    • We steal the syntax insofar as it is possible without implementing a scheme interpreter.  The syntax amounts to @command[s-expression stuff where whitespace does not matter]{text stuff which can have more @command stuff in it and whitespace generally does matter}.  The brilliance is that everything is executed and there are no heuristics you need to guess at and that fall down.
    • Our limitation is that while Racket is a prefix language and can use reader macros and have the entire documents be processed in the same fashion as source code and totally understood by the text editor, such purity is somewhat beyond us.  But we do what we can.
  • Use narcissus, Brendan Eich/mozilla’s JS meta-circular interpreter thing, to handle parsing JavaScript.  Although we don’t have reader macros, we play at having them.  If you’ve ever tried to parse JavaScript, you know it’s a nightmare that requires the lexer to be aware of the parsing state thanks to the regexp syntax.  So in order for us to be able to parse JavaScript inline without depending on weird escaping syntaxes, when parsing our documents we use narcissus to make sure that we parse JavaScript as JavaScript; we just break out when we hit our closing squiggly brace.  No getting tricked by regular expressions, comments, etc.
  • Use the abstract interpreter logic from Patrick Walton‘s jsctags (and actually stole its CommonJS-ified narcissus as the basis for our hacked up one too) as the basis for abstract interpretation to facilitate being able to linkify all our JavaScript code.  The full narcissus stack is basically:
    • The narcissus lexer has been modified to optionally generate a log of all tokens it generates for the lowest level of syntax highlighting.
    • The narcissus parser has been modified to, when generating a token log, link syntax tokens to their AST parse nodes.
    • The abstract interpreter logic has been modified to annotate parse nodes with semantic links so that we can traverse the tokens to be able to say “hey, this is attribute ‘foo’ in an object that is argument index 1 of an invocation of function ‘bar'” where we were able to resolve bar to a documented node somewhere.  (We also can infer some object/class organization as a result of the limited abstract interpretation.)
    • We do not use any of the fancy static analysis stuff that is going on as of late with the DoctorJS stuff.  Automated stuff is sweet and would be nice to hook in, but the goal here is friendly documentation.
    • The abstract interpreter has been given an implementation of CommonJS require that causes it to load other source documents and recursively process them (including annotating documentation blocks onto them.)
  • We use bespin as the text editor to let you interactively edit code and then see the changes.  Unfortunately, I did not hook bespin up to the syntaxy magic we get when we are not using bespin.  I punted because of CommonJS loader snafus.  I did, however, make the ‘apply changes’ button use narcissus to syntax check things (with surprisingly useful error messages in some cases).

Extra brief nutshell facts:

  • It’s all CommonJS code.  The web enabled version which I link to above and below runs using a slightly modified version of Gozala‘s teleport loader.  It can also run privileged under Jetpack, but there are a few unimplemented sharp edges relating to Jetpack loader semantics.  (Teleport has been modified mainly to play more like jetpack, especially in cases where its aggressive regexes go looking for jetpack libs that aren’t needed on the web.)  For mindshare reasons, I will probably migrate off of teleport for web loading and may consider adding some degree of node.js support.  The interactive functionality currently reaches directly into the DOM, so some minor changes would be required for the server model, but that was all anticipated.  (And the non-interactive “manual” language already outputs plain HTML documents.)
  • The web version uses a loader to generate the page which gets displayed in an iframe inside the page.  The jetpack version generates a page and then does horrible things using Atul‘s custom-protocol mechanism to get the page displayed but defying normal browser navigation; it should either move to an encapsulated loader or implement a proper custom protocol.

Anywho, there is still a lot of work that can and will be done (more ‘can’ than ‘will’), but I think I’ve got all the big rocks taken care of and things aren’t just blue sky dreams, so I figure I’d give a brief intro for those who are interested.

Feel free to check out the live example interactive tutorialish thing linked to in some of the images, and its syntax highlighted source.  Keep in mind that lots of inefficient XHRs currently happen, so it could take a few seconds for things to happen.  The type hierarchy emission and styling still likely has a number of issues including potential failures to popup on clicks.  (Oh, and you need to click on the source of the popup to toggle it…)

Here’s a bonus example to look at too, keeping in mind that the first few blocks using the elided js magic have not yet been wrapped in something that provides them with the semantic context to do magic linking.  And the narscribblus repo is here.

test-case-mode support for jetpack unit tests in emacs

Use Jetpack?  Occasionally write unit tests so you won’t be a complete hypocrite when criticizing other people’s code?  Think that picture up above looks more useful than this?:

error: fail: list contents ("4,5,6,7" != "3,4,5,6,7")
info: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "resource://wmsy-jetpack-core-lib/timer.js", line 57, in notify
    this._callback.apply(null, []);
  File "resource://wmsy-jetpack-core-lib/unit-test.js", line 257, in anonymous
    timer.setTimeout(function() { onDone(self); }, 0);
  File "resource://wmsy-jetpack-core-lib/unit-test.js", line 282, in runNextTest
    self.start({test: test, onDone: runNextTest});
  File "resource://wmsy-jetpack-core-lib/unit-test.js", line 300, in start
  File "resource://wmsy-jetpack-core-lib/unit-test.js", line 57, in runTest
  File "resource://wmsy-wmsy-tests/test-vs-static.js", line 37, in anonymous
    slice.seek(6, 2, 2);
  File "resource://wmsy-wmsy-lib/wmsy/viewslice-static.js", line 51, in anonymous
    this._list.slice(this.bufLow, this.bufHigh));
  File "resource://wmsy-wmsy-tests/test-vs-static.js", line 31, in anonymous
    "list contents");
  File "resource://wmsy-jetpack-core-lib/unit-test.js", line 229, in assertEqual
  File "resource://wmsy-jetpack-core-lib/unit-test.js", line 147, in fail

Then do I have an .el for you!  This lives here.  You mileage may vary and may involve things catching on fire which can, in turn, affect your mileage.

(clicky.visophyte.org-hosted CouchDB services offline)

This means doccelerator and my Tinderbox scraper that chucked stuff into a CouchDB for exposure by a modified bugzilla jetpack.  Either couch went crazy or someone gave it a request that is ridiculously expensive to answer with a database the accumulated size of the tinderbox database.  I’m not aware of any trivial ways to contend with the latter.  Judging by the logs, it looks like 2 people other than myself used these services, so, my apologies to those cool, insightful, forward-looking individuals.

The specific services are probably not coming back.  doccelerator is being subsumed into something else that better meets documentation needs and will be more fully baked, more on that soon.  I got the impression at the summit that the tinderbox problem is in hand, or very close to someone’s hand; maybe one of those robot grabby-arm things is involved?  My reviewboard with bugzilla hacks instance is sticking around for the time being, but I think wheels are turning elsewhere in Mozilla on that front too, so hopefully my install is mooted before it falls over.

Lest there be any doubt, all clicky services are provided on a self-interested basis… I am happy when they benefit others, but I do these things for the benefit of my own productivity/sanity and they are hosted using my own resources.  (While I had higher hopes for doccelerator, the MoMo-resourced couchdb service provisioning never happened so doccelerator never got pushed public with nightly updates because of said clicky resource constraints.)

ediosk: an emacs buffer switcher for the rest of us

Emacs users and would-be emacs users, are you tired of those emacs developers in their ivory towers not supporting buffer switching via touch-screen on a computer that’s not running emacs and using modern web browser technology instead of disproven parentheses-based technology?  Be tired no more!*

Thanks to Christopher Wellons and Chunye Wang’s work on emacs-httpd it is a simple matter to expose a JSON representation of the current set of frames/windows/buffers in your emacs session and provide non-REST manipulation mechanisms via a webserver implemented in elisp.

Once you have exposed an API, it is a subsequent simple matter to implement some JavaScript that understands these things and presents a nice UI.  In this case, we have used the Jetpack SDK, wmsy (the Widget Manifesting SYstem, an widgeting framework I am developing), and protovis.

The screenshot basically captures the entire feature-set:

  • A protovis-based visualization that shows the location of all of the emacs “windows” (the things that show buffers).  Emacs reports to us the pixel-space coordinates/sizes of the “frames” (GUI windows) and “windows”, so this all comes magically for free.  The downside is your emacs windows need to be in the same coordinate space, so use of multiple X displays without use of DMX will likely lead to weird overlap.
    • The selected “window” in each “frame” gets a diamond.  The active frame’s diamond gets to be black instead of gray.
    • Clicking on a “window” focuses/raises the containing “frame” and selects the “window”.
  • Buffers grouped by the directory they live in (if they have a backing file).
    • Buffers visible in windows have their background composed of the colors for all the windows they are in.
    • Buffers that are modified have their text colored red.
    • Buffers that have not been freshly displayed in a window recently have their text colored grey.
    • Clicking on a buffer displays it in what the UI believes to be the currently selected frame’s currently selected window.

* This entire paragraph is a joke**; no flaming necessary.

** ediosk is not a joke though.  I seriously have a touch-screen monitor hooked up to my windows build machine to the right of my two monitors hooked up to my linux/primary development machine.  While c-x b (icicle mode) will still be my dominant buffer switching mechanism, I expect ediosk to prove useful/amusing for cases where the number of buffers greatly exceeds my mental stack, when I am switching contexts, or when I am working in multiple branches simultaneously.